Teroson Teleskopická pistole Powerline II

Loctite Teleskopická pistole Powerline II

12 495,76 Kč bez DPH
15 119,87 Kč s DPH
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Teroson POWERLINE II COMPRESSED AIR GUN is a high-pressure dispenser for applying materials from cartridges and foil packs. The pressure gun is a very powerful tool for the continuous dispensing of low- up to high-viscous materials. It is recomm ended for flat- and wide-stream seam sealing applications. The dispensing tool is a well balanced lightweight construction. The operating pressure is adjustable at an integrated regulating valve with manometer. Loctite Teleskopická pistole Powerline IIThe Henkel Teroson PowerLine II air cartridge gun with integrated pressure gauge is a very powerful tool for dispensing one and two component direct glazing sealants from cartridges. It ensures smooth action and allows for continuously variable adjustment of adhesive flow. This gun is designed for a 3:1 pressure ratio, meaning that the working pressure (indicated on the gun's pressure gauge) equals three times the input pressure. This feature makes sure that all 310 ml cartridges can be processed without any problems even in unfavorable conditions (e. g. cold nozzle cartridges). Product Features: Mechanical ram (rather than air pressure) is used to advance adhesive out of cartridge. No air is introduced into the cartridge from the gun thus eliminating popping and sputtering of product while dispensing. Integral air pressure gauge allows for better control of dispense rate. High mechanical advantage (3:1) allows increased capability to dispense high viscosity pastes much faster. Poloautomatický aplikátor - Teleskopická pistole Teroson Powerline II, která umožní snadné doplnění a nanášení produktu přesně a s minimálním odpadem. Pro urychlení výroby a stejnoměrného nanášení tmelů a silikonů v kartuších 290ml, 300 a 310ml. Zejména vhodné pro vysokoviskozní tmely, u kterých je velmi náročné vytláčení klasickou ruční kartušovou pistolí, např Teroson 8630. Pistole obsahuje indikátor provozního tlaku a ruční regulaci síly výtlaku. Plně profesionální přístroj urychlí a zpříjemní práci.   982468 - IDH-960304 Loctite Teroson Teleskopická pistole Powerline II. The Henkel Teroson PowerLine II air cartridge gun with integrated pressure gauge is a very powerful tool for dispensing one and two component direct glazing sealants from cartridges. It ensures smooth action and allows for continuously variable adjustment of adhesive flow. This gun is designed for a 3:1 pressure ratio, meaning that the working pressure (indicated on the gun's pressure gauge) equals three times the input pressure. This feature makes sure that all 310 ml cartridges can be processed without any problems even in unfavorable conditions (e. g. cold nozzle cartridges). Product Features: Mechanical ram (rather than air pressure) is used to advance adhesive out of cartridge. No air is introduced into the cartridge from the gun thus eliminating popping and sputtering of product while dispensing. Integral air pressure gauge allows for better control of dispense rate. High mechanical advantage (3:1) allows increased capability to dispense high viscosity pastes much faster. Teroson ET GUN POWERLINE IIEquipment – Dispensing tool, high-pressureair pressure gun with piston rod, for flat-stream and wide-stream nozzle applications. Teroson POWERLINE II COMPRESSED AIR GUN is a high-pressure dispenser for applying materials from cartridges and foil packs. The pressure gun is a very powerful tool for the continuous dispensing of low- up to high-viscous materials. It is recomm ended for flat- and wide-stream seam sealing applications. The dispensing tool is a well balanced lightweight construction. The operating pressure is adjustable at an integrated regulating valve with manometer.

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aplikační pistole