Teroson 16765Y - pistole ruční vytlačovací Staku

1 509,13 Kč bez DPH
1 826,05 Kč s DPH
Skladem 3 ksSkladem u dodavatele 24 ks - do 3 pracovních dnů
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Teroson ET STAKU HAND GUN is a dispenser with a piston rod. It is a durable piece of equipment that is easy to handle, maintain and clean. The hand gun is suitable for aluminium and plastic cartridges. It dispenses standard material from cartridges with standard beads. Teroson pistole ruční vytlačovací Staku Teroson ET STAKU HAND GUN is a dispenser with a piston rod. It is a durable piece of equipment that is easy to handle, maintain and clean. The hand gun is suitable for aluminum and plastic cartridges. It dispenses standard material from cartridges with standard beads. Ruční tlaková pistole Staku 167. 65Y pro všechny kartuše 150, 290, 300 a 310 ml . vyrobena z oceli a plastické hmoty, s uzavřeným zasouváním kartuše snadné používání dlouhá životnost žádné dotékání, nedochází k znečišťování snadné čištění a údržba, možnost oprav   IDH 142240 Teroson 16765Y - pistole ruční vytlačovací Staku. Teroson ET STAKU HAND GUN is a dispenser with a piston rod. It is a durable piece of equipment that is easy to handle, maintain and clean. The hand gun is suitable for aluminum and plastic cartridges. It dispenses standard material from cartridges with standard beads. Teroson ET STAKU HAND GUNEquipment – Dispensing tool, hand gun, easy to use, easy to maintain and clean, suitable for aluminium and plastic cartridges. Teroson ET STAKU HAND GUN is a dispenser with a piston rod. It is a durable piece of equipment that is easy to handle, maintain and clean. The hand gun is suitable for aluminium and plastic cartridges. It dispenses standard material from cartridges with standard beads.

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